Sunday, 21 August 2016

Jahangirnagar University Admission Test Notice 2016-17.

Jahangirnagar University Admission Test Notice 2016-17

Jahangirnagar University Admission Test Notice 2016-17. Jahangirnagar University Admission Circular 2016-17 will be announced very quickly. From 23th October (Sunday) 2016 Jahangirnagar University Admission Test 2016-17 will be seized. Details information will be found in Jahangirnagar University website at & also in our website.

Jahangirnagar University Admission Test Notice 2016-17. Jahangirnagar University Admission Test Notice 2016-17 is not announced yet. But very soon Jahangirnagar University Admission Notice 2016-17 will be announced. Jahangirnagar University Admission exam 2016-17 will be initialing from 25th  October (Sunday) 2016 & it will continue till 5th November (Thursday) 2016. Concerned applicants will have to apply in Jahangirnagar University Admission Notice 2016-17 by SMS method. They have to apply only by Teletalk mobile. Concerned applicants have to pay application charge. They have to pay BDT. 500 are for Unit “A” to Unit” “E & BDT. 350 are for Unit “F” to Unit “H”.

Units of Jahangirnagar University: There are entire 8 units in Jahangirnagar University. Concerned applicants can apply in those units by their eligibility. Units names’ are given below:-

Unit Name
“A” or “KA” Unit
Mathematical & Physical Science
“B” or “KHA” Unit
Social Science
“C” or “GA” Unit
Arts & Humanities
“D” or ”GHA” Unit
Biological Science
“E” or “UMA” Unit
Business Studies
“F” or CHA” Unit
“G” or “CHHA” Unit
Institute of Business Administration
“H” or “JA” Unit
Institute of Information Technology
Jahangirnagar University Admission Test Date

Jahangirnagar University admission test Date published. Jahangirnagar University admission test will be started on 25 October to 05 November.. When JU admission test detail will be published, we will provide update in our website.

Jahangirnagar University Admission Schedule 2016-17

Online Application Starting Date: 20th September 2016

Online Application End Date: 8th October 2016

JU Admission Test Will Start From  19 November 2016

JU Admission Test Will End On  27 November 2016

Jahangirnagar University Admission Notice 2016-17:

Minimum GPA Requirements for Jahangirnagar University Admission 2016-17
A- Unit (Faculty of Mathematical and Physics)
  • Computer Science and Engineering – GPA of 8.50 – Physics A- (minus), and Mathematics grade.
  • Mathematics – a total of 7.50 GPA – B grade in mathematics.
  • Physics – 8.00 Cumulative GPA – Physics and Mathematics A- (minus) grade.
  • Environmental Science – GPA of 8.00 – Chemistry, and Mathematics / Biology A- (minus) Grade Physics B grade.
  • Statistics – Total GPA 7.50 – Statistics / Mathematics B grade.
  • Geological science – total GPA 8.00 – mathematics, chemistry A- (minus) and Physics B grade.
  • Chemistry – total GPA 8.00 – Chemistry and Mathematics B grade.
B- Unit (Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Economics:
    A) Higher Business Studies Branch: arthaniti and commercial geography of the total GPA 7.50 / Bengali A / Statistics A / A grade computer education / English A- (minus).
    B) Higher other branches: a total GPA of 7.50 in arthanitite / Bengal / Mathematics A / figures at / computer education at the grade / English A- (minus) grade.
    C) Higher science branches: the total GPA 8.00 banlaya / Mathematics A / A- in English (minus) grade.
    D) Higher humanitarian branches: the total GPA 7.50 arthanitite / Bengal / English A- (minus) grade.
  • Urban and Regional Planning:
    A) Higher Science / Agriculture branches: the total GPA 8.00 ganite / English A- (minus) grade.
    B) Higher Arts / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA of 7.00 in ganite / English A- (minus) grade.
  • Anthropology:
    A) Higher Science / Agriculture branches: the GPA 8.00 – Bengali A- (minus) / B grade in English
    B) Higher Arts / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 7.50 – Bengali A- (minus) / B grade in English.
  • Government and Politics:
    A) Higher Science / Agriculture branches: the GPA 8.00 Bangla A- (minus) / B grade in English.
    B) Higher Arts / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 7.00 – Bengali A- (minus) / B grade in English.
  • Public Administration:
    A) the high branches of science: a total GPA 7.50 – English A- (minus) Grade
    B) Higher Arts / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 7.00 inrejite A- (minus) grade.
  • Bhugala and the environment:
    A) Higher Science / Agriculture branches: the GPA 7.50 – Bengali A- (minus) / B grade in English.
    B) Higher Arts / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 7.00 – Bengali A- (minus) / B grade in English.
C- Unit (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
  • International relations Subject Code 1:
    A) Higher Science / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 7.50 – B grade in English
    B) high human branch: A total of 7.00 GPA – Grade B in English
  • English Subject Code II:
    A) Higher Science / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 8.00 – English A- (minus) Grade
    B) high human branch: A total of 7.50 GPA – English A- (minus) Grade
  • History of Code 3:
    A) Higher Science / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 7.50 – B grade English and Bengali A- (minus)
    B) high human branch: total GPA 7.00 – B grade English and Bengali A- (minus)
  • View of Code 4:
    A) Higher Science / Other branches: the GPA 7.00 – Bangla and English, Grade B
    B) Higher Arts / Business Studies Branch: total GPA 6.00 – Bangla and English, Grade B
  • Drama and Dramatics of -5 code:
    A) Higher Science / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 6.50 – Bengal that is a B grade on
    B) Secondary Humanities Branch: total GPA 6.00 – Bengal that is a B grade on
  • Of Archaeology Code -6:
    A) Higher Science / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 7.00 – Bangla and English, Grade B
    B) high human branch: A total of 6.50 GPA and English B grade
  • Bengali code of -7:
    A) Higher Science / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 8.00 and English, Grade B
    B) high human branch: total GPA 7.00 – Bangla and English, Grade B
  • Journalism and Media Studies Subject Code 8:
    A) Higher Science / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 8.00 – B grade English / Bengali A- (minus) Grade
    B) high human branch: the GPA 7.50 -French B grade / Bengali A- (minus) Grade
  • Arts: a) Higher Science / Humanities / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 7.00 – English and English Grade B
D- Unit (Faculty of Biology) – total GPA 7.50 – Biology / agricultural grade.
  • Zoology – 7.50 Cumulative GPA – grade biology.
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Science – GPA of 8.00 – Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics A- (minus) grade.
  • Pharmacies – 8.00 Cumulative GPA – in chemistry, biology and A- (minus) / Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Science A- (minus) grade.
  • Microbiology – 8.00 Cumulative GPA – in chemistry / biology at / and English A- (minus) grade.
  • Biotechnology and genetic engineering – a total GPA 8.00 – Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics A- (minus), grade B in English.
  • Public Health and Informatics – 8.00 Cumulative GPA – chemistry and biology at the – (minus), grade B in mathematics.
E-Unit (Finance & Banking ka) Higher Business Studies / Humanities, and other branches: a total GPA 7.50- Mathematics / Economics / Accounting / business policies and application B grade. B) high science GPA 8.50 Total branches: ganite B grade.
A total of 8.50 GPA Marketing – Accounting / Business Studies A / A- in English (minus) grade.
Accounting and Information System – 8.00 Cumulative GPA – Grade B in English.
Management Studies – 8.50 Cumulative GPA – Grade B in English.
F- Unit (Faculty of Law): The secondary and tertiary both will get a minimum GPA of 3.00.
Law and Justice ka) secondary science branches: the GPA 8.00 banlaya A- (minus) and B grade in English (b) Higher Arts / Business Education / other branches: the GPA 7.50-e-Bangla (minus) and B grade in English.
BBA Program – a) the high branches of science: the total ganite 8.50 GPA and English A- (minus) grade. B) Higher Arts / Business Education / other branches: a total GPA 8.50 hisababijnana Economics / Mathematics / business policies and application, the English A- (minus) grade.
H- Unit (Institute of Information Technology), both secondary and higher secondary examinations will get the minimum 3.50 GPA.
Information Technology – 8.00 Cumulative GPA – Physics A- (minus), and Mathematics grade.
  • A-Unit Chemistry, Computer Science & Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geological Science, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics.
  • B-Unit Anthropology, Economics, Geography & Environment, Government & Politics, Public Administration, Urban & Regional Planning.
  • C-Unit Archaeology, Bangla, Drama and Dramatics, English, Fine Arts, History, International Relations, Journalism & Media Studies, Philosophy.
  • D -Unit Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Botany, Microbiology, Pharmacy, Public Health & Informatics, Zoology.
  • E-Unit Accounting and Information Systems, Finance and Banking, Management Studies, Marketing.
  • F-Unit Law & Justice.
  • G-Unit BBA.
  • H-Unit Information Technology.

SMS Method To Get Jahangirnagar University Admission Result 2016-17

JU<Space>R<Space>Roll No and Send to 3690

Example: JU R 100001 and Send to 3690.

About the Jahangirnagar Universtiy :
Jahangirnagar University is located in Savar Upazila. It is a purely residential university and residential area. The university was established in 1970 by the government of Pakistan by the Jahangirnagar Muslim University Ordinance in 1970. During the first two years, it operated like a project. Its first Vice-Chancellor was Professor Mafiz Uddin Ahmad (Ph.D in Chemistry, University of Illinois, Chicago) took up office on 24th September 1970. The first group of students, total number of students 150 was enrolled in four departments. Such as- Economics, Mathematics, Statistics and Geography. It was begin delayed until 12th January 1971 formally, when the university was launched by the Chancellor Rear Admiral S. M. Ahsan. 

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